Full name:
Contact Phone:
Request for:Buy a propertyRent a property
Desired use:OwnershipExploitation
Areas of interest: (write as many as you want)
Sq. m.:
Price scale:
With bulding in it:YesNo
Close toMetroPublic transportsMarketSchoolAttiki odosMain streets / AvenuesPortAirport
Even and buildable:YesNo
Condition:SlopingOn cornerFacadeAmphitheater
Payment methodBank transferLoanCheck
How quickly would you like to buy your property?ImmediatelyWithin 6 monthsOver 6 months
Have you outsourced your request to other offices?NoYes (Simple Assignment)Yes (Exclusive Assignment)
How long have you been searching for a property?0-3 months3-6 monthsMore than 6 months